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What is a GTIN number?

A GTIN number (Global Trade Item Number) is a unique numerical code used to identify a product. This number appears under a product barcode and ensures products are internationally identifiable.

All GTIN codes follow the same structure, which numerically identifies the company prefix, the item reference, and a check digit.

Why are GTIN numbers key for B2B product management?

Manufacturers of B2B and B2C products must associate a unique GTIN number with each product.

GTIN management ensures that products are able to be identified and located, both internally (for storage and logistics processes) and throughout the supply chain (for distributors, retailers, and consumers).

GTIN numbers are not only useful at an operational level, but also for product visibility. Marketplaces like Google Shopping and Amazon use GTIN codes throughout their databases, so it is vital that your products are correctly registered. If not, the marketplaces will not recognize your products and they may not appear in search results.

Providing the GTIN numbers of your products on online platforms enables you to gain visibility and conversions across marketplaces and search engines.

What are the different types of GTIN codes?

GTIN codes are used universally, but each region can have a different length:

UPC: Used by manufacturers in the United States with 12 digits.
EAN: Used in Spain and the rest of Europe, with 13 digits.
JAN: Used in Japan, with between 8 and 13 digits
ISBN: Used only in books, can be an ISBN-10 or ISBN-13 value
ITF-14: Used for wholesale products or multipacks, with 14 digits.

How PIM can manage your GTIN numbers

Having the GTIN codes of your products under control is essential for correctly managing your company's catalog and inventory, and ensuring that your products can be located correctly and easily by any participant in the supply chain and on sales platforms such as marketplaces.

Our platform centralizes all of your product data, including product codes such as GTIN or SKUs. By controlling your data in one single source of truth, you can identify missing information such as GTINs, and ensure they are shared at speed with all distribution and sales channels.

Sales Layer's PIM is capable of storing millions of product codes and with the convenience of being able to import them from any file or source that you were already using to manage them, such as Excel.

Our team of PIM specialists can support you if you have a complex catalog with large volumes of product data. Get started with a free trial today and enjoy the best solution to save time in your daily product data management.

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