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How would you spend four free hours? Certainly not burying your head among SKUs and product specifications.

When it comes to managing product information, the factor that makes marketing teams, manufacturers, and sellers most nervous is just that: the clock. To guarantee time-to-market, a consistent brand image, and good content for customers, the last thing you need is rushing and losing time.

If you too want to get a more relaxed workstyle and improve the quality in your catalog management, learn from Bragg's story: they have the secret of the best apple cider vinegar in the world, while Sales Layer has the secret of how to turn 5 hours of work into just 1.


Bragg Case Study


Bragg brand reinforcement on the digital market


Bragg product photo

Bragg is the world's number-one producer of apple cider vinegar, and one of the most prestigious brands on the diet and wellness food market. After more than a century of history, there is no doubt that a brand like Bragg needs to uphold its reputation and transfer their traditional good working ethics to the digital world.

Accuracy is a fundamental factor in terms of food product information. This is true for distributors and retailers and consumers. And Bragg wasn't managing their product information in the best way possible. In fact, they had it spread across multiple sources, Excel files, and an ERP system not integrated with a centralized database. 


Bragg Testimonial


From manual management to automation: the golden ingredient of Sales Layer

Switching to Sales Layer PIM has brought only advantages to the Bragg team: they now have all their product information consolidated in one place and can connect it directly with ecommerce platforms, marketplaces, and design programs like InDesign (for which we have a specialized connector).


Bragg product image


And, as we said at the beginning of this article, all of this can be done with an impressive amount of time being saved. Going down from an average of 5 hours spent on manually processing product data through Excel and web pages, Bragg now spends only 1 hour with the Sales Layer PIM, among many other advantages:

  • A single platform to syndicate all product data, images, descriptions, SKUs, variants, and prices.
  • Compliance with standards in all product data.
  • Information quality control (through the exclusive Sales Layer Quality Score and Quality Control features).
  • Automated connectors for Shopify and Amazon.
  • Instant Catalogs, a unique feature by Sales Layer to create quick catalogs and share them publicly or privately.

Do you want to know the whole story behind Bragg and Sales Layer?

To get more details about how a food brand like Bragg has been able to improve its product catalog management with a PIM system, download the success story here for free.

We invite you to try it out for yourself for free, or book an hour with a PIM specialist to completely analyze your case and discover how you can apply the same centralization and time-saving features as Bragg in your company.


Bragg Case Study

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