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In 2020, digital sales grew 49% annually compared to 15% of total sales. Undoubtedly, the sector has experienced an acceleration from which there is no turning back. However, most companies are not prepared to meet increasingly demanding online volumes.

The gap between digital customer expectations and the capabilities of brands and sellers can become a damaging chasm or an opportunity for companies to catch up using the right tools.

The most talked about technology, which is increasing its demand in the market, is PIM (Product Information Management). But not just any PIM: a modern PIM.


Webinar Sales Layer & Forrester


An exceptional customer experience requires a modern PIM: complimentary webinar

What exactly is a modern PIM? How is it different from traditional product information management systems? How can it help you offer a better customer experience in your sales channels and grow an increasingly competitive ecommerce?

All the answers will be shared in the live webinar that will feature Amanda LeClair, Senior Analyst at Forrester, as a guest, and Chris Johnson, Partner Success Manager at Sales Layer, next November 9 at 3 pm. (CEST).

Book your ticket here, totally free, and prepare your questions for the Q&A section included in the session. This is a unique opportunity to ask a Forrester analyst your questions!

Event schedule:

  • What is behind the evolution of customer expectations regarding product content.
  • How is the role of PIM technology changing to better serve business needs.
  • Key features that a modern PIM should include.
  • Market data and behavior according to the latest Forrester reports.

Sign up now and book your calendar next Tuesday, November 9 to discover the benefits of a modern PIM and how it can improve your customer experience in much less time than you think.

In the meantime, we invite you to visit our webinars library to access past events featuring ecommerce and product marketing specialists.


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