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A year that comes to an end should never be sad news, because it does not disappear leaving nothing behind.

In Sales Layer we do not stop improving our content management tool so that our clients' experience is always up to date. Checking all the new implementations carried out in the Sales Layer PIM in the last six months, we are pleased to acknowledge that we have been nice folks and a lot of extras and facilities have came to all our users.

Do you want to discover all these New Year's gifts in advance (and what is still to come)…?

  • A quick form editor, to modify forms pretty fast, in a very simple an versatile way. Now you save even more time!


  • Forms’ structures that can be reused, exported or import to different families or between companies, without having to start from scratch.


  • Formulas to make block modifications and get spectacular changes immediately.


  • Improvements in data authorship - now you can know who modified and when the value of any field. The control is totally yours!


  • Modifications search by author, in order to see the history of actions performed by any employee.


  • Special searches in which you can look up at once:

    • Categories without / with products
    • Products without / with categories
    • Products without / with formats
    • Formats without / with products


  • Output connectors that allow you to select a specific catalog category.


  • New formulas for modeling information dynamically in the input and output data connectors.


Do you feel it is not enough? We have not finished filling your socks with new features! All Sales Layer customers can already try these improvements that are about to arrive just like the New Year:

  • Connectors that allow filtering data with the general search filter. In addition, the products can be filtered by families.
  • PDF files can be previewed within the Sales Layer dashboard. It is no longer necessary to export them for a review!
  • Links to external web pages and services can be viewed within the Sales Layer tool.
  • In the extended forms you can search for specific fields to quickly access them.

And whether you are already one of our clients or your company has just arrived at Sales Layer, we are wrapping the 2018 gifts with all the upcoming improvements for an increasingly complete and spectacular experience of product content management:

  • Each product will allow visualizing its complete changes history over time, field by field, author by author, and recover the value of a field at a specific historical moment.
  • Workflows for groups of administrators who need approval of changes.
  • The Excel connector will allow self-configuration from predesigned Excel templates.
  • The products may have personalized forms depending on their individual characteristics.
  • New graphs of evolution about the improvement in your product information’s quality.

Neither Rudolph, nor Comet, nor Dasher. Your new favorite reindeer to pull your content management’s sleigh will be Sales Layer. Join our party of innovations for 2018! We advise you from the first minute in a personalized way.


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